
BoomerangLyrics:3,2,1nowputyourhandsintheair,shakeyourbodydownslow/Holdit,bringit,bringitbacklikeyouneverdiditbefore/Keep ...,BoomerangLyricsbyAkon.3,2,1nowputyourhandsintheair,shakeyourbodydownslowHoldit,bringit,bringitbacklikeyouneverdiditbefore ...,ListentoBoomerangonSpotify.Song·DJFelliFel,Akon,Pitbull,JDSurabaya·2012.,INeedY'allToGetY'allDrinksInTheAir,GetYourCircocBottlesInTheAir,AndIfYo...

Akon – Boomerang Lyrics

Boomerang Lyrics: 3, 2, 1 now put your hands in the air, shake your body down slow / Hold it, bring it, bring it back like you never did it before / Keep ...

Akon - Boomerang Lyrics

Boomerang Lyrics by Akon. 3, 2, 1 now put your hands in the air, shake your body down slow Hold it, bring it, bring it back like you never did it before ...


Listen to Boomerang on Spotify. Song · DJ Felli Fel, Akon, Pitbull, JD Surabaya · 2012.

Akon - Boomerang :

I Need Y'all To Get Y'all Drinks In The Air, Get Your Circoc Bottles In The Air, And If You See A Sexy Lady Right Now, Put Your Fuckin' Hands Up ! Your Body ...

Songtekst: Akon - Boomerang

(mr worldwide, akon, jermaine) I see you all across the party, Bring it back you're my boomerang! Mami got a boom bang bing bang ding dang, No diggedy no doubt ...

DJ Felli Fel - Boomerang Lyrics

Boomerang (feat. Akon, Pitbull & Jermaine Dupri) [Akon - Hook] 3,2,1 now put your hands in the air, shake your body down slow Hold it, bring it, bring it ...

粉絲- 讲好好推薦了很High...

推薦了很High 的一首歌!真的很適合這美麗的週末:) . DJ Felli Fel - Boomerang (Feat. Akon, Pitbull & Jermaine Dupri)~但很可惜找不到中文歌詞... . 聽

DJ Felli Fel Feat Akon, Pitbull, Jermaine Dupri

Lyrics of Boomerang by DJ Felli Fel Feat Akon, Pitbull, Jermaine Dupri · Mommy got a boom bang bing bang ding dang · No digga dee, no doubt, I′ma hit that.

Akon feat. Pitbull - Boomerang (+ Lyrics)

Akon feat. Pitbull Boomerang, an amazing song in HQ! Lyrics: 3, 2, 1 now put your hands in the air, shake your body down slow Hold it, ...


Dj Felli Fel - Boomerang (feat. Akon, Jermaine Dupri and Pitbull) 3,2,1 [Akon - Hook] Now put your hands in the air Shake your body down slow Bring it back ...